Sunday, December 29, 2019

Visa G4 para trabajar en organizaciones internacionales

La visa G-4 permite a una persona extranjera vivir en Estados Unidos para trabajar en una organizacià ³n internacional como la ONU, el FMI o la OEA. En comparacià ³n con otras visas de trabajo, la G-4 ofrece notables ventajas en materia de là ­mite de tiempo, impuestos y familiares que pueden acompaà ±ar a su titular. Tiene cierto parecido con la visa A  para diplomà ¡ticos pero es diferente. Quià ©nes pueden solicitar la visa G-4 Los extranjeros con contrato de trabajo en una organizacià ³n internacional ubicada en EE.UU. Ademà ¡s, este mismo tipo de visa se otorga a las personas que conforman el hogar familiar de la persona contratada: su cà ³nyuge, los hijos de cualquier edad, los hijos de la pareja y, en algunos casos muy limitados, los padres e incluso otros familiares cercanos. Validez de la visa G-4 y transfer La visa G-4 es và ¡lida por el tiempo que seà ±ala la misma. Ademà ¡s, se puede prorrogar sucesivamente sin là ­mite de aà ±os. En los 60 dà ­as anteriores a que la visa expire, se tramita su extensià ³n sin necesidad de salir del paà ­s. Se puede transferir de una organizacià ³n internacional a otra, por ejemplo, de trabajar en Naciones Unidas pasar a ser un empleado del Fondo Monetario Internacional. Para ello debe cancelarse con el Departamento de Estado la registracià ³n con la institucià ³n original y registrarse con la nueva. Permiso de trabajo para familiares de titulares visa G-4 En algunos casos, los familiares que acompaà ±an a EEUU a la persona contratada por la organizacià ³n internacional pueden trabajar. Para ello necesitan obtener previamente un permiso de trabajo, que se conoce por las siglas EAD. Debe solicitarse al USCIS, que sà ³lo los concede en los casos de nacionales de paà ­ses que tienen un tratado de reciprocidad con Estados Unidos. Los permisos de trabajo se aprueban para el cà ³nyuge o pareja, los hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os, o de 23 si està ¡n estudiando a tiempo completo en la universidad. Si tuviesen una minusvalà ­a fà ­sica o mental no se aplica el là ­mite de edad, siempre y cuando sean solteros. Por otra parte, los hijos de extranjeros con visa G-4 pueden estudiar la educacià ³n primaria y secundaria. Para los recià ©n llegados, estos son las reglas bà ¡sicas del sistema educativo de los Estados Unidos. Impuestos de titulares de la visa G-4 Ademà ¡s, otra de las ventajas de la visa G-4 es que no se tributa en EEUU el impuesto sobre la renta (income tax) por el salario pagado por la organizacià ³n internacional. Tramitacià ³n de la visa G-4 y de su extensià ³n Una vez que se ha encontrado una organizacià ³n internacional que ofrezca un trabajo al que se puede aplicar, debe conseguirse que està © de acuerdo en contratar. Una vez que se tiene la oferta de contrato ya debe iniciarse el proceso ante una oficina consular de los Estados Unidos.. Si la persona contratada se encuentra en Estados Unidos deberà ¡ tambià ©n tramitar la visa en un consulado y salir del paà ­s para obtenerla, ya que no se puede hacer este trà ¡mite dentro del paà ­s salvo en casos limitadà ­simos como el de los estudiantes internacionales con una visa F-1 en prà ¡cticas en la organizacià ³n internacional que ahora los contrata con una G-4. En estos supuestos podrà ­a ser posible cambiar la visa a travà ©s del USCIS. Se debe pedir una cita y los documentos a presentar son el DS-160, un pasaporte và ¡lido por al menos medio aà ±o y una carta de la organizacià ³n internacional ofreciendo la contratacià ³n y fotos. Como regla general, no es necesario presentarse a una entrevista y las tasas de la visa no se pagan. Las oficinas consulares pueden pedir informacià ³n y documentacià ³n adicional, dependiendo de cada caso.   Estas visas se caracterizan por ser tramitadas inmediatamente. En cuanto a su validez, si una persona contratada con una visa G-4 se retira o es despedida debe abandonar EEUU en un periodo de 60 dà ­as junto con los familiares inmediatos tambià ©n titulares de ese tipo de visado. Y en estos casos, si se sale de EEUU no se puede volver a entrar, aunque la fecha de vigencia de la visa siga siendo và ¡lida. En cuanto a la renovacià ³n, si el titular de una visa G-4 debe renovar la visa y està ¡ presente en EE.UU. puede contactar con la Diplomatic Liaison Division del Departamento de Estado o con la Misià ³n de EE.UU. ante Naciones Unidas, ya que en muchos casos es posible renovar la visa a travà ©s de esas oficinas llenando el formulario online DS-1648. Finalmente, cabe destacar que, en general, los maestros de la escuela internacional de Naciones Unidas no se consideran plantel de dicha organizacià ³n internacional, por lo tanto no pueden beneficiarse de esta visa. Pero puede ocurrir que la ONU solicite expresamente una G-4 a una persona en particular y el consulado correspondiente puede aprobarla pero no es la regla general. Tributacià ³n por parte de ciudadanos que trabajar en organizacià ³n internacional en EE.UU. Por supuesto que los ciudadanos estadounidenses, los residentes permanentes legales y las personas con permiso de trabajo en los EEUU no necesitan una visa G-4 para trabajar en una organizacià ³n internacional. En cuanto al pago de impuestos por el salario recibido por la organizacià ³n internacional, debe tributarse de una forma especial. La visa G-4 como camino a la green card La G-4 puede ser un puente hacia la residencia permanente tanto durante la vida laboral de una persona como tras su jubilacià ³n. En este à ºltimo caso si la persona ha vivido al menos 15 aà ±os en EEUU y, de ellos, tres y medio los ha residido en los siete aà ±os anteriores a retirarse, puede solicitar la green card para sà ­ misma y para su cà ³nyuge en los seis meses siguientes a su à ºltimo dà ­a de trabajo. Otras opciones para trabajar en Estados Unidos Para trabajar legalmente es necesario tener una situacià ³n migratoria que lo permita. Por ejemplo, porque se es ciudadano americano, residente permanente legal, se tiene una visa de trabajo o se està ¡ en una situacià ³n que permite solicitar y obtener un permiso de trabajo. Tener en cuenta que trabajar cuando no se està ¡ autorizado es una violacià ³n migratoria y, si las autoridades se enteran o lo sospechan darà ¡ lugar a que se cancele la visa. Frecuentemente, la persona se entera de que su visa es revocada cuando intenta regresar a Estados Unidos despuà ©s de un viaje a otro paà ­s y se encuentra con la desagradable sorpresa de que no la dejan entrar a paà ­s y la envà ­an de regreso a su lugar de procedencia.   Puntos Clave: Visa G-4  ¿Para quià ©n es?: extranjeros con contrato de trabajo en una organizacià ³n internacional ubicada en EE.UU.El titular de la visa G-4  ¿puede obtener visa para familiares?: sà ­, en general para el cà ³nyuge, compaà ±ero domà ©stico e hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os. En algunas circunstancias, ese cà ­rculo de familiares puede ampliarse. Pueden trabajar en EE.UU. y estudiar.El titular de la visa G-4,  ¿paga impuestos en EE.UU.?: No. Este artà ­culo es meramente informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal .

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Secret Court Order Directing Telecommunications Company

According to BBC News, an incident broke out where national security and the freedom of the press conflicted when Edward Snowden released sensitive NSA information about government operations. BBC News describes the incident by saying, â€Å"The scandal broke in early June 2013 when the Guardian newspaper reported that the US National Security Agency (NSA) was collecting the telephone records of tens of millions of Americans. The paper published the secret court order directing telecommunications company Verizon to hand over all its telephone data to the NSA on an ‘ongoing daily basis’.† (BBC News). Later in the same article, BBC News stated, â€Å"Shortly afterwards, the Guardian revealed that ex-CIA systems analyst Edward Snowden was behind the†¦show more content†¦The constitutional answer to the aforementioned questions is no; the press has the ability and freedom to publish and release whatever they see fit. However, lives are at risk. Through acade mic and philosophical inquiry, it will be made clear that national security should be valued higher than freedom of the press when the national security and the freedom of the press conflict. Before delving into the reasons to value national security above the freedom of the press, it is first crucial to provide a definition of national security. According to USLegal Definitions, national security is defined as the following: â€Å"National security is a corporate term covering both national defense and foreign relations of the U.S. It refers to the protection of a nation from attack or other danger by holding adequate armed forces and guarding state secrets. The term national security encompasses within it economic security, monetary security, energy security, environmental security, military security, political security and security of energy and natural resources. Specifically, national security means a circumstance that exists as a result of a military or defense advantage over any foreign nation or group of nations, or a friendly foreign relations position, or a defense position capable of successfully protesting hostile or destructive action.†

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Potential Risks and Risk Eva Luation Sample †

Question: Discuss about the Potential Risks and Risk Eva Luation. Answer: Potential Risks The potential risk might originate from both interior and outer sources. The outside dangers are those that are not in coordinate control of the administration. These incorporate political issues, trade rates, financing costs, et cetera. Inward dangers, then again, incorporate rebelliousness or data breaks, among a few others. The risk management is imperative in an association in light of the fact that without it, a firm can't in any way, shape or form characterize its destinations for what's to come. In the event that an organization characterizes targets without thinking about the dangers, odds are that they will lose course once any of these dangers hit home. The possible risk components in the virtual reality real estate agency are: customer along with open trust in the virtual reality real estate agency; credibility, notoriety as well as virtual reality status; equipment as well as the virtual reality capability for the real estate agency; financial functioning of the real estate agency for the money related matters health and wellbeing of workers, clients, volunteers and members. The showcasing and money related capacity requires records of consumptions and wage, and expense records, publicizing solicitations and that's only the tip of the iceberg. The occupant administration includes records of every one of their solicitations, rental installment history and standards infringement, and office upkeep and repairs require support plans, repair records for guarantee, and representative and subcontractor faculty records (McGivern,2012). Risk Mitigation A methodical way to deal with overseeing risk is currently viewed as best administration rehearse. The approach taken quite often benefits the association regardless of sort of hazard included. Once the risk is recognized it is reported in detail; accordingly, the concerned partners attempt conceivable risk (Adair,2005). There are two bolsters that shall support the virtual reality real estate agency risk alleviation program: an all-around contrived speculation arrangement and a thorough and intensive checking framework. The speculation approach must reflect and convey to administrators the vital concentration and targets of the land portfolio, yet be adjusted by a worked in adaptability to position the portfolio for a ever evolving market. A venture strategy that can explore between these two clashing objectives (Atherton, 2008). The major key concentration for this real estate agency shall be adaptability It shall fill in as a risk relief apparatus for virtual reality agency. Be that as it may, the concentrate should dependably stay on the key goal of land in the general portfolio. Something else, there is the potential for vital float and of bringing dangers into the portfolio. In the meantime, checking frameworks and intermittent audits are basic for keeping the portfolio in accordance with vital targets. Focusing on the "tall trees" and observing portfolio exposures can help guarantee that a financial specialist is clinging to the key goals. At long last, it is basic to remember the general population side of the condition. A fruitful risk administration process must penetrate all through the firm and the basic leadership process in the agency. The virtual reality firm must endeavor to have an adjusted view from the speculation/return viewpoint and the risk premise for their employees as well as for the client. It is vital not to go into full-drive hostile mode or withdraw into a protective stance for a really long time (Antunes, 2015). Each new venture, strategy or creation ought to incorporate all the conceivable expected dangers that one may perhaps stand up to. Basic leadership process needs to consider dangers distinguished, its effect and response on the business. By making a watchful examination, organizations will have less astonishments and subsequently may at last invest less energy recouping from the misfortunes that might be unavoidable on occasion. At the point when organizations don't have "a sharp eye on the sort of hazard", chance maintenance can turn into a true blue method for dealing with the risk. Risk Eva luation Risk examination is the introduce and reason for the hazard choice. Along these lines, a great hazard examination is imperative for financial specialists, it is the way to decide the venture. the procedure of the hazard investigation is for the most part the hazard distinguishing proof, estimation and assessment. At long last, make a far reaching and framework investigation as per the past examination. Counting hazard recognizable proof, chance appraisal and hazard assessment organize (Flyvbjerg,2015). The land speculation chance order During the time spent the land venture, capital necessities a long and tireless period, which makes the hazard changed and complex, which mostly including the accompanying the real estate properties. Rivalry in the market Rivalry in the market chance alludes to that there is excessively comparative structures in the land showcase, which makes the land rivalry and the relating advancement expenses may enhance, lodging unsolvable et cetera . Which will creates an extraordinary effect to financial specialists. Furthermore, the primary purpose behind the market hazard is that the early market research and examination of the work is bad. Among them, the market rivalry capacity is the principle deals chance (Flyvbjerg,2015). Business Risk Deviating alludes to the normal esteem and the real working outcomes, and the reason for this circumstance is the operational blunders. This hazard has the accompanying three circumstances (Flyvbjerg,2015): To begin with, because of the poor advantage of the endeavor, administration level is not flawless, if those are not sold in time, the lodging opening rate will be high, the benefit is additionally moderately well underneath desires, which related costs expanded. Second, the financial specialist's administration basic leadership blunders prompt the operational hazard, which is for the most part since speculators are not know exact market data, and settle on botches in basic leadership. Third, the applicable legitimate arrangements, and city arranging controls makes taxation rate for financial specialists, for example, land venture movement is essential, however it doesn't exceptionally get it. The liquidity risk When Real domain is settled, the arrangement can just is the procedure of proprietorship or the exchange of utilizing right and the element can't move. Since it takes up more cash, and the amount is huge, which make the land exchange is an a significant long process, These are the impacting components of the stream danger of land and liquidation capacity is poor, for example, land speculators would be seriously needing money yet they would not offer the land in the hands at the earliest opportunity, regardless of the possibility that effective, which will influence the venture wage, so it bring land financial specialists to sell returns on hazard (Flyvbjerg,2015). The obtaining power risk It is for the most part alludes to the acquiring energy of land of individuals relative decay, since individuals purchase land product request diminishes moderately, additionally along these lines, which will make it hard to deal for land financial specialists, and cause harm (Flyvbjerg,2015). References Adair, A., Hutchison, N. (2005). #e reporting of risk in real estate appraisal property risk scoring. Journal of Property Investment Finance, 23(3), 254-268. Atherton, E., French, N., Gabrielli, L. (2008). Decision #eory and real estate development: A note on uncertainty. Journal of European real Estate Research, 1 (2), 162-182. Antunes, Ricardo; Gonzalez, Vicente (3 March 2015). "A Production Model for Construction: A Theoretical Framework". Buildings. 5 (1): 209228. doi:10.3390/buildings5010209. Flyvbjerg, Bent Budzier, Alexander (2011). "Why Your IT Project May Be Riskier Than You Think". Harvard Business Review. 89 (9): 601603. 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